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Presentation of the report "Monitoring the situation in the field of trafficking in human beings-criminal status and dynamics analysis for 2015

24.10.2016   662 Views  

      Today October 24, Permanent secretariat of NC CTHB in collaboration with Centre for combating trafficking in human beings organized a meeting for the presentation of the report "Monitoring the situation in the field of trafficking in human beings - criminal status and dynamics analysis for 2015".

      The event brought together representatives of central public authorities, non-governmental organizations, international organizations and media.

      Analytic study constitutes a comparative approach data about crimes of trafficking in human beings (THB) committed during the year 2015, the situation in the field of THB, forms of manifestation of the phenomenon in the Republic of Moldova from the perspective of transnational trafficking, trafficking in children and human trafficking.

      Thus, according to the data presented, it outlines the fact that THB is accomplished for the purpose of sexual exploitation: by working, by begging, of organs, cells or tissues and involvement in criminal activity. They occurred in classical geographical areas as: Commonwealth of Independent States, the Middle East, the European Union and in new directions such as the Far East and Africa.

      In the year 2015 were identified 242 THB victims (adults) and 68 victims of trafficking in children. With reference to external traffic for purposes of exploitation through work, areas of occupancy of the victims have been mainly agriculture, construction and housekeeping. The control methods of mining have remained virtually unchanged, such techniques as: fictitious financial debt, withdrawal of identity documents, violence or the threat of violence.

      Within the report were reflected and possible risks of THB, as follows: consolidating the destination for all types of exploitation detected in the EU area; the rise of a relatively new types of exploitation, known to law enforcement agencies; consolidating emerging destinations, namely those from the far East; the number of victims, which could overcome it on that of women in the next period. 



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